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Environmental Test Chamber



An environmental chamber, also called climatic chamber or climate chamber is an enclosure that helps our clients to manufacture high quality, reliable, operative and highly sustainable in various environmental conditions, by simulating and crafting the extreme environment conditions within the chamber. The environmental test chamber helps in deriving the results for the operation or sustainability of material and product by studying the effect of temperature, humidity, the value of freezing point and their effect on the product or material biological changes, efficiency, lifespan, corrosion testing for electronics and other material.

Based on the test requirements, simple or complex the design Environmental test chambers changes its size as well as the environmental condition that needed to be simulated. Test chambers usually encompass viewports or video feeds to make avail the visual inspection of the sample during the test Based on the need of our client we at KERONE, manufacture completely customized Environmental test chambers. A typical Environmental test chamber comprises of the double wall exterior is made up of GI. With power coating, flush fitting insulated door has magnetic gasket. The inner chamber is made up of 304 quality stainless steel. The inner door is made up of Plexiglas which allows inspection of the specimen without disturbing the temperature. The shelf position of the tray is adjustable.

Refrigeration evaporator, radiator and divergent constrained air circulator are found in the compartment at the again of the inner part for making positive wind stream through the hatchery. Ideal level of temperature is given by the hermetically fixed compressor placed underneath the unit. A kettle with an inundation radiator and water level controller to make dampness is put in the same compartment. The moistness and temperature in the computerized marker can be set and controlled by a strong state temperature controller and advanced presentation control.


  • Cement plants
  • Rubber industries
  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • Electrical and electronic component manufacturers
  • Paint and varnish
  • Test the for the packaging